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The band was very fortunate to receive assistance from several people who volunteered their time to help with the annual "Café Suites". They made coffee, sold tickets at the door, served snacks, and did many other chores that the band members are unable to do themselves while they were performing. The band would have been unable to put on its several "Café Suites" or its 10th Anniversary Concert without their services, and acknowledges their contributions here:
Robin Rivers • Louise Hager • Susan Adamson • Jean Wilson • Keith and Maureen Routley • Gerry and Joyce Saunders • Karen Saunders • Gordon and Connie Mills.

Particular thanks go to Greg Hatton, who was Master of Ceremonies for most of the Café Suites plus the 10th Anniversary Concert. Greg was quick with a quip – there were no dull moments when he had a microphone in his hand! We also appreciate the effort put out by Bert Davis, who filled the role of M.C. for Café Suite VIII.

A previous president, Robert Hume, named them "The Mighty Handful": a hard-working few members who put in untold hours procuring donations of items for Café Suites and organizing these popular events: Judy Myers, Marg Eagle, Gail Nash and Andrea Warner, plus past members Lorraine McDonald and Debbra Greig.

Interested in Volunteering with Us?

If you are interested in volunteering for the 2025-2026 season, please contact us at (tasks such as Front of House for concerts, poster distribution, etc.)

Greg Hatton

Greg announces
a doorprize winner